Energix Hickory, LLC in Chesapeake, VA is the US subsidiary of
Energix, a UN Human Rights Commission designated company
City of Chesapeake and Virginia’s Department of
Environmental Quality permit process docket and human rights
reports Regulators have not properly weighed the moral hazard of
licensing a project with problematic foreign ultimate beneficial
owners alleged by UNHCR to routinely engage in overseas human
rights violations.
Southwest Region Director Aviva Frye also worked for Energix, an
Israeli solar energy company owned by Alony Hetz
Aviva Frye
used her influence as a government official at VIAB to get
meetings inside Virginia's government to push Energix solar
power at Mineral Gap Data Center.
Suddenly, a hip, new
company called Sun Tribe Solar gets the deal. Sun Tribe
employees like dogs, cycling and are young and diverse. But some
of Sun Tribe's deals are incredibly predatory, geared to sell
millions in electricity over production generated on public
property to local utilities through "net metering."
What's really going on?

VIAB Vice Chair Charles "Chuck"
Lessin engages in self-dealing, fails, then strikes a corrupt
deal with Tobacco Commission
Appalachian Biofuels LLC was a
limited liability company owned by Virginia Israel Advisory
Board Vice Chairman Charles "Chuck" Lessin. Lessin obtained an
ethics waiver from the Virginia Attorney General in order to
obtain a $565,000 Tobacco Commission grant to refine biodiesel
in a vacant facility in St. Paul, Virginia. The venture failed,
but Lessin kept $210,000 after Tobacco Commission Executive
Director Evan Feinman gave him a sweetheart deal.
Virginia-Israel Advisory Board: Taxpayer funds for secret
Israeli business projects in Virginia - "Project Jonah"
is a project VIAB kept secret since 2013. The Israeli fish farm
company AquaMaof has landed $1.5 million in state funds and
hopes to obtain millions more in grants and low interest loans.
It may displace an innovative home grown fish farm that long ago
proved the viability of recirculating aquaculture in Virginia.
VIAB: Virginia's Taxpayer-Funded Israel Lobby
The Virginia
Israel Advisory Board is funded by Virginia taxpayers, unlike
most privately-funded state chambers of commerce dedicated to
increasing economic ties between the U.S. and Israel. The Jewish
federations from which large number of VIAB board members are
drawn attempted to rewrite state textbooks on behalf of Israel.
VIAB fights the BDS movement, while securing state funding and
grants for Israeli companies.
Memorandums of Understanding for US Aid to Israel
2009-2018 and 2019-2028 memorandums of
understanding. US unconditional aid packages for Israel obtained via the
Freedom of Information Act.
Do MOU's incentivize war? |
Mail Fundraising Material - Israel Affinity Organizations
affinity organizations (IAOs) conduct massive direct mail
fundraising campaigns that raise billions of dollars in the
United States. Common fundraising themes include protecting
Israel as a lone democracy surrounded by threats in a "bad
neighborhood," the United Nations as a perpetual obstacle to
Israeli initiatives, and the need for Americans to urge their
legislators to provide ever-larger amounts of taxpayer-funded
military aid to Israel.
Big Israel database of Israel Affinity Organizations (IAOs)
The Israel
Affinity Organizations (IAOs) that demand unconditional support
for Israel in America may be categorized into four major groups:
Advocacy IAOs that push
Congress for US aid. Subsidy
IAOs that fund a partner or partner organization in Israel.
Education & Training IAOs
that internally promote Zionism and externally promote Israel
Funding & Local Political Action
IAOs that raise funds and quietly lobby state and local
Together, these IAOs
make up the nonprofit sector of the Israel lobby in America.
Data and forecast from the 2016 book
Big Israel: How Israel's Lobby Moves America
files reveal "Joyous Celebration" during 9/11 World Trade Center
On September 11, 2001 five employees of a moving van company
called "Urban Moving Systems" were apprehended hours after the
twin towers were struck. An eyewitness saw them celebrating the
attacks on the World Trade Center from the window of her
apartment building.They emerged from a white van, jumped up and
down, and high-fived each other with apparent glee. |

Israeli Intelligence Officer
tracked by FBI in New York
(aka Yitzhak) Vardi's
intelligence operations for Israel in England put him on an FBI
watch list as he traveled throughout New York. As he
worked at high levels within the Palestine Economic Corporation
and United Jewish Appeal, the FBI tried to determine his status
as an intelligence agent.
An operation in Argentina
suggests Vardi never retired.

First American Smuggling Network
Newly declassified
reports from Naval Intelligence reveal
previously unknown details about how the Jewish
Agency illegally smuggled war surplus from the United States to
Jewish fighters in Palestine.

FBI investigated the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for espionage.
Espionage investigation confirmed
for the very first time.
Records indicate the investigation terminated before key targets
were interviewed after heavy Israeli government lobbying.

investigation and successful civil lawsuit against the ADL over
privacy right violations
Forty-year ADL undercover agent Roy Bullock
was in charge of penetrating Arab and anti-Apartheid groups in
Bullock began working for Apartheid South Africa's intelligence
services and obtaining driver's licenses and social security
numbers from a corrupt San Francisco police officer.
A criminal investigation led the FBI and SF
police straight to the ADL which paid tens of thousands to
victims without admitting wrongdoing—while agreeing to never
violate American privacy rights again. |

Convicted gun-runner for Israel
Hank Greenspun parlays smuggling kickbacks into a Las Vegas
media empire
FBI files on attempted obstruction of justice, weapons
smuggling, and mob associations of the combative editor of the
Las Vegas Sun.

Author and entrepreneur
F. Dacey demanded that the Justice and State Department take
warranted action on credible allegations of
Israeli arms smuggling and
Both agencies
find excuses to do nothing. The
State Department even suggests that
Dacey hire a lawyer at his own expense to review
defunct arms
export control agencies and laws.
NUMEC Diversion Files
Leaked accounts from the CIA Directorate of
Operations and other files obtained from National Archives
presidential libraries, congressional testimony, and FBI

Nuclear Triggers Smuggled to Israel, Mastermind Untouchable–
Secret FBI Files
An espionage ring
smuggled 800 krytrons to the Israeli Ministry of Defense for use
in the clandestine Israeli nuclear weapons program according to
newly declassified FBI files. The secret documents were
originally scheduled for public release in the year 2036, but
were obtained under appeal to the Justice Department. The
files reveal new details about the failed effort to indict the
nuclear smuggling ring's masterminds.
of Audit
Illicit Israeli military technology transfers continued
unabated as the US State Department's
inspection regime was undermined
from within by turf wars and
Release of
Inspector General Sherman M. Funk's
newly declassified 1992 "Report
of Audit." |

The Israel lobby
Rubik's Cube
The Zionist
Organization of America (ZOA) pioneered
tactical shifts of
parent/subsidiary and corporate shells
that were later
copied by the AZC, AIPAC, Jewish Agency and Isaiah L.
Kenen to avoid registering as Israeli foreign agents.

Israeli False Flag Attack on U.S.
Motivated 1963 Senate Investigations
Newly declassified documents
reveal that fears of false flag and foreign funded covert
operations designed to influence U.S. policy drove the Senate to
investigate foreign agents between 1961-1963.
FBI News Clipping Files:
the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
2005 Espionage Case
The Israel
Lobby Archive obtained 405 pages from the FBI under the
Freedom of Information Act. The released documents are news
clippings maintained by the FBI during its espionage
investigation of Department of Defense Colonel Lawrence Franklin
and AIPAC staffers Keith Weissman and Steven J. Rosen.
The Mobsters who
Funded AIPAC
Disclosure forms and subpoenaed
documents filed by AIPAC and its predecessor organizations (the
AZC and AZCPA) reveal organized crime figures such as "Jake the
Barber," "Meyer Lansky's right-hand-man" Aaron Weisberg, arms
smuggler associate Zimel Resnick, and Israeli nuclear bomb
funding coordinator Abraham Feinberg all provided critical and
timely start-up funding to AIPAC as it
morphed through shell corporations.
Alleged Spy Nozette stung by the FBI
The FBI arrested Stewart Nozette on October
19, 2009 and charged him with attempted espionage. Case
files reveal Nozette's close relationship with Israeli Aerospace
Industries, impersonation of a colleague's email account to gain
access to classified information and transport of USB thumb
drives overseas.

GAO Finds Investigations of Israeli
Weapons Grade Uranium Diversions "Inadequate"
In 1977 chair
of the House of Representatives subcommittee on Energy and Power John D. Dingell requested
an investigation to determine whether weapons
grade uranium had been illegally diverted from the US into a clandestine
Israeli nuclear weapons program.
In the early
1960s, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) began documenting suspicious
lapses in security at the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC)
in Pennsylvania. In 1965 an Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) audit found
that NUMEC could no longer account for 220 pounds of highly enriched
uranium. The amount of missing uranium could “make at least four or five
nuclear weapons” according to the report. In
1966 the FBI opened an investigation code-named DIVERT and began
monitoring NUMEC’s management and large numbers of Israeli visitors. On
Sept. 10, 1968, four Israelis visited NUMEC’s president to "discuss
thermoelectric devices with [Zalman] Shapiro," according to
correspondence from NUMEC’s security manager seeking official AEC
consent for an Israeli visit. Among the approved visitors was Rafael
Eitan. After Eitan’s visit, 587 pounds of highly enriched uranium was
classified as missing.
investigation was chartered to discover whether:
1. “The
material was illegally diverted to Israel by NUMEC management for use in
nuclear weapons.”
2. “The
material was diverted to Israel by NUMEC management with the assistance
of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).”
3. “The
material was diverted to Israel with the acquiescence of the United
States Government.”
GAO inquired whether “there has been a
cover-up of the NUMEC incident by the United States Government.”

FBI Investigates the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee for espionage and theft of government
property. |

AIPAC Employee Indicted for Espionage Sues
Former Employer
April 8,
On March 2, 2009 former American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC) foreign policy chief Steve Rosen filed a civil
lawsuit in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Rosen
accuses his former employer, directors, and outside public
relations firm of libel and slander.
In August 2005, Steve Rosen, fellow AIPAC employee Keith
Weissman, and the Pentagon’s Col. Lawrence Franklin were
indicted under the Espionage Act for allegedly trafficking
classified U.S. national defense information in the interest of
provoking a stronger U.S. posture toward Israel’s arch nemesis,
The Rosen lawsuit, published here for the first time on the
Internet, provides key insights into AIPAC's acquisition and
handling of classified US national defense information.

Israeli Nukes, US
Foreign Aid and the Symington Amendment
March 31,
In 2008 the
US Army and former president Jimmy Carter both confirmed what the world
has long suspected: The State of Israel has secretly financed, built and
deployed an arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Congress and US presidents have long operated under a policy of
"strategic ambiguity", publicly denying the existence of nuclear
weapons. But can this policy hold, in light of new evidence?

The Jewish Agency and US
Foreign Agents
years of Senate and law enforcement investigations the Department
of Justice ordered the Jewish Agency to file its secret 1953 Covenant
Agreement with the Israeli government in 1969.
The Covenant agreement reveals the Jewish Agency's ongoing receipt of
Israeli government funds for operations and powers such as executive
review of legislative matters before they go to the Knesset. The Jewish
Agency New York office, like AIPAC's predecessor the AZC, quickly shut down only to reorganize under a new US
shell corporation in 1971.
In 2009 the Jewish Agency foreign agent question again looms
large as Dennis Ross attempts to secure a critical position as
US envoy to Iran.
AIPAC Founder's Newly Declassified Foreign
Agent File Reveals Shift to Stealth Lobbying
2008 Six
decades ago Americans working as registered Israeli foreign agents
launched New York, Washington and Los Angeles "Israel Office of
Information (IOI)" branches. Newly declassified records document IOI
actions that forever changed foreign government lobbying on Capitol Hill
as IOI director Isaiah L. Kenen shifted Israel lobbying away
from FARA oversight into stealth foreign lobbying
from the American Zionist Council. |
27, 2008
Secret DOJ Battle with AIPAC's Parent
Presenting the internal file archive of the 1962-1965 DOJ
attempt to register the American Zionist Council as agents of a
foreign government. The chronology provides perspective
about how delays, leadership changes, and lobby requests for
secrecy resulted in America's first nonpublic Foreign Agents
Registration Act declaration: declassified in June of 2008.
October 17,
Israel Lobby's Secret US Public Relations Plan
In the early 1960's, Israel funneled more than $5 million into
US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funding,
equivalent to more than $35 million in today's dollars, was
laundered from the quasi governmental Jewish Agency into an
Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council.
The two page master plan was subpoenaed by the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee and entered into hearing records on the
activities of foreign agents in the United States.
AIPAC Directs
Political Action Committee Candidate Donations
In 1988, internal memos reveal AIPAC directing
Political Action Committee donations to
preferred candidates in violation of its tax-exempt
nonprofit status. |
Print Publication
AIPAC's Battle with the
Documents the
transition of a public relations
employee of the Israeli Foreign Ministry to founder of the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee or AIPAC.
Provides analysis and all key documents of how the DOJ ordered
the American Zionist Council to register as Israel's foreign
agent in 1962, and the subsequent transfer of AZC operations to
Title Page, Table of Contents,
Virginia Israel Advisory Board's super-secret "Project Jonah"
Jonah is a secret fish farm project developed since 2013 by VIAB.
First intended to grow
tilapia, after millions in Virginia state investment it has
pivoted to salmon. The Israeli company behind the venture has now been
unmasked. It is Aquamaof which plans to build a plant bigger
than any it's ever run, while being sued overseas for
mismanagement and incompetence. |
Israel Lobby Enters State Government: Rise of the Virginia
Israel Advisory Board
paperback, Kindle and audio book and
chronicles the formation, rise and secret
activities of the Virginia Israel Advisory Board (VIAB). While
other books have focused on the Israel lobby’s influence over
the federal government and U.S. foreign policy, there has been
little research on Israel lobbying at the state level. Using
sensitive documents acquired under Virginia’s sunshine law, this
book argues that in Virginia the Israel lobby is no longer on
the outside, but has now entered state government. The Virginia
Israel Advisory Board (VIAB) is presently the only state
government entity in the U.S. focused entirely on bringing
corporations in from a single foreign country. The book explores
how millions in taxpayer and other state funds are quietly being
diverted from multiple sources to establish profitable Israeli
companies in Virginia. The corporations are involved in military
contracting, food and beverage manufacturing, energy generation,
waste management and aquaculture. The author analyzes how VIAB
projects displace workers and put home-grown market leaders out
of business. By unmasking Israeli businesses launching
operations that VIAB protects under code-names and opaque shell
companies to secretly transact business in Virginia, the book
exposes the reason behind some of the secrecy—their extensive
business dealings in territory illegally occupied by Israel.
The author delves into the
establishment of VIAB by the state’s Jewish federations, and
their continued involvement as VIAB board members, as well as
their attempts to rewrite school textbooks and quash through new
laws speech critical of Israel. Smith exposes who is running
VIAB, how they leverage political campaign contributions, and
the bankruptcy of VIAB’s many claims that their dealings are
advancing the prosperity of working Virginians—as opposed to
Israeli companies and VIAB insiders. He probes the true nature
of the Virginia Israel Advisory Board and the future threat if
similar Israel lobby entities proliferate within other state
governments. |
advocacy groups demand questionable changes to Virginia
A consortium of state and
national Israel advocacy groups has sent a detailed set of
requested changes to textbooks and teaching guides used in the
Commonwealth of Virginia. Requested changes include:
Deletion of references to Israel “occupying” territories
captured during the 1967 Six-Day War and substituting
“controlled.” International conventions clearly outline the
responsibility of occupying powers and the illegality of
collective punishment and population transfers. 2. Changes to
maps to recognize Israel’s declared “annexation” of East
Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. The U.S. and most other
countries do not officially recognize Israeli annexation of
either territory. 3. Substitution of references to “occupied
territories” to “captured areas.” 4. Substitution of
references to “Jewish settlers” and “settlements” with “building
of homes and communities.” 5. Deletion of a lesson reviewing
a video documentary by Iranian-American religious studies
scholar, author, producer and television host Reza Aslan. 6.
Deletion of an activity based on reading the biography and work
of Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi. 7. Substitution of
an editorial cartoon titled “The Mideast Peace Game Rules” with
a cartoon of an Arab suicide terrorist holding a “Road Map to
Peace” game hostage. |
Israel Lobby's Impact on America-Video
Guest lecturer Grant F. Smith
discusses key points developed in his new book,
Big Israel: How Israel's Lobby Moves America, while
providing insight into likely Israel lobby demands on the next
administration. Smith is the director of the Institute for
Research: Middle Eastern Policy, Inc.
Agenda items
1. Where did
the Israel lobby come from? Before they evolved into a lobby for
Israel, what social welfare needs did key organizations address
and how?
2. What function does each major
category of the Israel lobby serve? Which organizations lobby
congress for foreign aid, and how do they work with hundreds of
state-level lobbies to secure U.S. economic, diplomatic,
financial and military support for Israel?
3. What Israel lobby organizations
influence the media and what are their tactics? What core
messaging and issue framing campaigns have they launched, and
how have these changed over time?
4. Which Israel lobbying
organizations work to sanction and punish domestic opposition to
pro-Israel policies? What are their tactics?
5. Why has the United States provided
more foreign aid to Israel than any other foreign country? How
has American public opinion about aid changed over time?
6. How representative of the American
Jewish community is the Israel lobby?
7. What key objectives will the
Israel lobby try to achieve during the next administration?
What opposition has been mounted against Israel lobby programs,
and how has this opposition changed over time?
Courtesy St Olaf College. Used by Permission.
IRS thwarts inquiry into why it
granted tax-exempt status to Israel lobby organizations -
After AIPAC's parent organization was
ordered to register as a foreign agent in 1962, the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee asked the IRS to explain why various
Israel lobby organizations received tax-exempt status. Under IRS
Commissioner Caplin, the agency prematurely reaffirmed
that—despite highly questionable activities—the organizations
would retain all of their enormous U.S. tax preferences.
The IRS never investigated. |
The Jewish
Telegraphic Agency offered to spy for the FBI
leveraging its own information-gathering network in Latin
America. JTA also offered to spy on groups inside the United
States, including Ukrainian immigrants.. |
FBI espionage and
counter-intelligence files on Israel Aerospace Industries
founder Adolph "Al" Schwimmer released
After conviction for a felony in
1950 Al Schwimmer, at David Ben-Gurion's invitation, went on to
run Israel Aircraft Industries (later Israel Aerospace
According to
testimony, IAI ruthlessly recruited American military engineers
to advance Israel's development programs. The FBI file reveals
missed counter-intelligence opportunities. Although an
American AIA employee physically threatened for insufficient loyalty to Israel
tipped off the FBI that another American—Ehud Kadish—was involved in
missile development, not until 2008 would the FBI collar "America's
second Jonathan Pollard"—brother Ben-Ami Kadish—for missile espionage
against America. |

Israel Bonds: the FBI File
Founders of the U.S.-based sales
corporation for Israel Bonds included the unindicted ringleader
of conventional arms smuggling fronts and the financier for
Israel's nuclear weapons program. |

Presidential pardon of a felony committed for Israel
Why did the AJC,
Jewish Federation, members of Congress and another convicted smuggler
lobby for the pardon of a dead felon? |
FBI and the Anti-Defamation League
Since the 1940's, the ADL has attempted to ingratiate itself with the
FBI by offering its network of undercover agents as informants, sending
confidential reports of people and organizations the ADL felt should
receive special scrutiny, and attempting to form special educational
This archive of declassified documents chronicles the many successes and
failures of the ADL's most important secret
initiative. |

AIPAC lobbies the Reagan administration.
Special trade preferences, integration into the U.S.
military-industrial complex, grant money
rather than loans, restrictions on US weapons sales to Arab states,
hinted help in the Iran-Contra scheme.
In the 1980s, AIPAC lobbying only slowed
down when the FBI investigated AIPAC for
espionage and theft of gov't property. |

ZOA ordered to
register as a foreign agent seven times
Declassified internal Justice
Department files reveal an unsuccessful but long-running effort
to compel the Zionist Organization of America to openly register
and declare its activities as an Israeli foreign agent.
Weizmann Institute for Science Israeli nuclear weapons
designer taps US tax-deductible funding, patronizes
US political and scientific
leadership. FBI counterespionage
investigation files. |
NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the diversion of US weapons grade
uranium into the Israeli nuclear weapons program
Based on an exhaustive review of
formerly classified government documents-as well as previously
unexplored corporate filings, office diaries and unguarded
interviews-Grant F. Smith has written a riveting story of the
1960s diversion of US weapons-grade nuclear material from an
Israeli front company in Pennsylvania into the clandestine
Israeli atomic weapons program. |
State Department investigates AIPAC Director Morris Amitay's
acquisition of classified Hawk missile data
US Department of
State investigation files reveal the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) director received classified US
national defense information in 1975. Despite public calls
for accountability, the Justice Department failed to
prosecute. |

Nahum Bernstein AKA Ned Bernay
leaving the OSS, Nahum Bernstein
quickly deployed
his covert operations skills—forming
front organizations to smuggle
arms and wire-tap opponents
in the United States—for Israel.
Mastermind Bernstein escaped the felony charges and prison
sentences awaiting lower level
operatives through his
prosecutorial immunity network—which
stretched from New York City police officers on his payroll,
his District Attorney law partner, up to the President of
the United States (through associate Abraham
Feinberg). |
Abraham Feinberg's
FBI File
He funded US presidents and Israel's
clandestine nuclear weapons program. Declassified FBI
files follow super-lobbyist Abraham Feinberg's
meetings with Israeli intelligence, Soviet
agents and US politicians from the 1940's to the 1960's.
USA v Jonathan
J. Pollard - Key Filings
As a new effort to free Israeli spy Jonathan
Pollard gets underway, the Israel
Lobby Archive releases 175 court
documents that have never appeared on the Internet. They
include the original indictment, an anonymous appeal for
clemency from Israel, government memoranda to aid sentencing,
and Pollard's last ditch effort to secure tightly held
government case files about a broader Israeli espionage ring
operating in the US. |
Jewish Agency funds campaign to
Subvert Freedom of Speech
Jewish Agency payments to the
American Zionist Council and its
lobbying division AIPAC undermines the free
speech rights of ideological opponents in the US.
Declassified Senate Investigation Files Reveal Clandestine
Israeli PR Campaign in America
Declassified files from a Senate investigation into
Israeli-funded covert public relations and lobbying activity in
the United States were released by the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) on July 23rd, 2010. The
subpoenaed documents reveal Israel's clandestine programs for
"cultivation of editors," the "stimulation and placement of
suitable articles in the major consumer magazines" as well as
U.S. reporting about sensitive subjects such as the Dimona nuclear weapons facility.

Senator Pressures NRC to Clear NUMEC President of Illegal
Uranium Diversions to Israel
The office of
Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania attempted to obtain a
statement from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission according to
documents newly released under the Freedom of Information Act.
On August 27, 2009, Arlen Specter wrote to Rebecca Schmidt
asking that the NRC "issue a formal public statement confirming
that he [constituent Zalman Shapiro] was not involved in any
activities related to the diversion of uranium to Israel."
Incorporates while Parent Under DOJ Order to Register as a
Foreign Agent
incorporated 6 weeks after its parent organization, the American
Zionist Council, is ordered to register as a foreign agent of
the quasi-governmental Jewish Agency.
AIPAC then applies for—and receives—a backdated federal
exemption from taxes from the US Treasury Department.
Print Publication
Spy Trade: How Israel's Lobby
Undermines America's Economy
Israel and its American lobby have committed audacious but
generally unknown crimes against the United States. Government
secrecy across the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice and Pentagon
long kept files about Israeli espionage, weapons smuggling
and covert operations on American soil classified...until now
Spy Trade is much more than a groundbreaking dissection of the
tactics Israel and its American lobby repeatedly use to evade
justice. The book also provides stunningly simple strategies for
ending criminal immunity and subversion of law enforcement that
may someday restore American governance.
Prosecution Seeks
Dismissal of Rosen and Weissman
May 1,
Citing the "unexpectedly higher evidentiary
threshold in order to prevail at trial" the prosecution asks
ruling judge T.S. Ellis to drop the Espionage Act prosecution of
Keith Weissman and Steve Rosen.

AIPAC, Espionage and the US-Israel
Free Trade Agreement
In 1983 the Israeli Prime Minister and the American
Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbied the Reagan
administration for preferential access to the US market. The US
Trade Representative (USTR) commissioned the US International
Trade Commission (ITC) to conduct an investigation to advise the
President about the probable economic effect of providing duty
free entry of Israeli imports on January 31, 1984.
The ITC compiled
"business confidential" information and intellectual property
solicited from US corporations and industry associations into a
classified report for the negotiations. But on August 3, 1984
the Washington Post broke the news that the FBI was
investigating how AIPAC obtained one of the fifteen numbered and
tightly controlled copies of the classified report. The ITC
later confirmed it was also obtained by the Israeli government.
Since the agreement was signed in 1985, US trade with Israel
shifted from surplus to a cumulative $71 billion deficit
(adjusted for inflation). The 2008 $7.8 billion deficit with
Israel was equivalent to 126,000 US manufacturing related jobs.
It is the only bilateral FTA producing multi-billion dollar deficits to the US every year for the last decade but total losses
are still unknown.
DOJ and Treasury Refuse to
Investigate $60 Billion US-Israel Money Laundering Ring
2008 Almost four years
have passed since former prosecutor Talia Sasson released an
Israeli government commissioned report detailing a massive money
laundering scheme to finance and build illegal settlements in
the West Bank.
But leadership of the US Treasury Department and Department of
Justice have refused to show investigatory interest in publicly
substantiated money laundering that originates in the US while
actively blocking FOIA requests into agency regulatory activity.

November 12,
Cartoons about Arabs and Islam
from AIPAC's "Near East Report"
Presenting cartoons appearing in Isaiah
Kenen's "Near East Report" newsletter, financed by the Jewish
Agency in Jerusalem.
October 17,
Founder Ordered to Re-register as a Foreign Agent
DOJ asks AIPAC founder Isaiah L. Kenen to
re-register as a foreign agent of the Israeli government if he leaves
the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Declassified and released
under FOIA on March 13, 2008.
1, 2007
The Senate
Foreign Relations Committee Investigates Israel's Foreign
In 1962 the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee investigated the Jewish Agency and the
American Zionist Council. Their funding flows from
Israel as well as lobbying and public relations campaigns in
the United States were explored during sworn testimony on
May 23, and August 1, 1963. |
20, 2008
DOJ Orders Israel Lobby
Umbrella Group to Register as a Foreign Agent
In 1962 the US
Department of Justice ordered the American Zionist
Council to register as a foreign agent.
umbrella organization to Hadassah and the Zionist
Organization of America was receiving laundered funds from
the Jewish Agency for public relations and lobbying in the
United States. |
AIPAC Executives and DOD Employee
AIPAC director of
Foreign Policy Steven Rosen, AIPAC Senior Middle East Analyst Keith Weissman and
Colonel Lawrence Franklin
indicted under the 1917 Espionage Act for efforts to influence US Iran